Request liveability budget

DUWO itself is ambiguous about the definition of liveability. However, this has been done for a reason. By keeping the boundaries vague, there is the possibility to request the quality of life budget for many things. The idea should either increase the enjoyment of living or the social cohesion of the entire complex. Increasing the enjoyment of living are physical measures that relate to clean, safe and/or pleasant living. The amount per request is not limited, but in practice it often involves relatively small amounts. Examples of applications are the organisation of a BBQ, the construction of a bicycle shed or the installation of video surveillance. Other examples are more pleasant furnishing of communal areas or gardens.

Requesting the liveability budget
In general, there is no need for coordination with the residents’ committee of the complex. However, their support is always an advantage in obtaining approval for the plan. DUWO is also more likely to approve and finance a proposal if it has the support of the residents’ committee of the complex. The application must at least describe the following elements:

Name of the building
Details of the applicant

Name, address, mail and phone number.

Description of the idea and motivation

The key point is that you explain how your idea contributes to the liveability/living comfort and social cohesion in your complex.


Financial substantiation of your idea.

Closing with date and signature of applicant

Possibly also a signature of the residents’ committee if applicable.


In the appendix you can also add sketches and photos of the concept.

The application will be discussed with the social manager of DUWO and the applicants. The social manager ultimately determines whether the application will be accepted. If the application is rejected, the social manager will have to substantiate this.

If DUWO does not wish to sponsor your initiative, it is possible that De Eerste Kamer can fund it. De Eerste Kamer has a small budget to contribute to residents’ initiatives to promote social cohesion in your complex. This can be a one-time activity (such as a BBQ or a mini golf competition) or an ongoing activity (such as organising a series of workshops). Improving the living environment can also be part of this, such as refurbishing the communal space or garden. If you want to make a claim to this, come up with concrete plans, then we will see what we can contribute. There may be more possible than you might think! The important thing is: it must be improvements that benefit a large part of the residents of the complex.

Text courtesy of WijWonen Delft

Request the residents’ initiative here